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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hot Angelina Jolie Admits Journalist Gag Order 'Excessive'

Hot Angelina Jolie has admitted that a gag order issued to reporters covering a premiere of her new film about murdered journalist Daniel Pearl was "excessive."

Angelina Jolie's representatives ordered journalists attending a screening of "A Mighty Heart" in New York this week to sign a document agreeing that they would steer clear of questions about her private life.

Several media outlets refused to sign the agreement and others accused Angelina Jolie of hypocrisy in making the request all the while promoting a film about a journalist murdered for pursuing a story.

The New York screening was also held to raise awareness of the Reporters Without Borders press watchdog.

In an interview with satirical news program "The Daily Show" late Thursday, Hot Angelina Jolie admitted the gag order was over the top.

"There was a memo that went out to ask people if they would sign it that said, 'Don't get into personal questions, focus on the movie,' and things like that," Jolie told host Jon Stewart.

"It was from my representative trying to be protective of me, but it was excessive and I wouldn't have put it out there."

Hot Angelina Jolie's lawyer Robert Offer was quoted by the New York Times as saying the contract was created by a "bone-headed, over-zealous lawyer" -- himself -- and that the star had not been aware of it.

"This was my creating something to protect her from the press's talking about personal matters, a document that would limit discussion to the film," he said.

"But it was drafted overly broadly. It was well intended, but I understand how it was received."

Sexxy Angelina Jolie issued a similar agreement to reporters covering a Los Angeles press event for her 2005 film "Mr and Mrs Smith" amid a media frenzy about her relationship with partner and co-star Brad Pitt.

Pearl, who worked for the Wall Street Journal, was murdered in Pakistan by Islamic extremists in 2002 while researching outlawed groups.

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